Why Leave your legacy to chance
Do You feel off track, disconnected, and stuck in a rut? Legacy can get you out of the tunnel.
Praise for Legacy
verne harnish
I can’t think of a better road map to scaling your legacy than this book. There is simplicity yet depth in the foolproof six Legacy Elements. LEGACY removes the daunting task of figuring out what levers can compound your time to accelerate results. As a reader, you will be equipped with a set of guiding principles make your legacy bulletproof!
Harry Strachan
Each of us faces the daunting task of living the one unique life we’ve been given. How do we realize our full potential? Accomplish a work of significance? Love our families and neighbors and ourselves? Enjoy the journey and smell the roses? In LEGACY, Gian Marco gives us three things: a paradigm or set of glasses for looking at the issues in a fresh way, concrete examples from his own life that make the general principles clear and interesting, and practical suggestions and exercises.
Carter Murray
Marco has a deep passion for understanding what leadership is about. He has been highly dedicated in making himself and others achieve their best potential. It is through his personal experiences and desire to make this world a better place that this book was born. I am sure others will nd inspiration and comfort from his story, his learnings, and the road map he has built from them.
Raul Villacis
Gian Marco Palazio is a true leader. His book will not only inspire you but will also give you the blueprint to create a legacy that will transcend generations to come. His authenticity and his ability to create a simple, yet profound, framework makes this journey relatable to every man or woman who ever wanted to pursue greatness. Dive into this journey and get ready to find insights that can turn you into a great leader.
peter reiling
It was 2,500 years ago, at his trial for asking the hard questions of those around him, that Socrates asserted that “the unexamined life isn’t worth living.” One hundred years later, his student, Aristotle, explored the concept of “the good life well lived.” It’s in this tradition that Gian Marco Palazio offers us his thoughts on legacy. It’s so easy to merely exist—without purpose or intent.
Stace Lindsay
Legacy can be an intimidating topic. In LEGACY, the reader will be challenged to pause and re ect on important questions in life while there is still time to make critical course adjustments. Gian Marco reveals, in a refreshingly honest way, his own journey to live a more intentional and meaningful life. He reminds us that our legacy begins now, not in some distant future.
I believe in being Prepared
Storms will come so make your legacy unbreakable
How much of your productive 55 years do you have left?
The average male in the United States lives until age seventy-nine,
You don’t have to go at it alone. Legacy gives you a blueprint on how to compound your remaining years productively and purposefully.
+ Average Life Span Age
+ years materially Productive
+ What you have left at age 35
What are you doing with your remaining years?
The tunnel
Every human confronts multiple tunnels in their life.
Every human will confront multiple tunnels in their life. This can be similar to a mid-life crisis, but it’s a complete breakdown of everything that we know and understand in our lives. In order to become the ultimate legacy champion for our family and for our legacy, we have to traverse those tunnels and either come out alive or die inside them.
Surviving our tunnels are our greatest gifts!
When we die in the tunnel, we have succumbed to our fears, shames, and pains, and they will consume us from the inside out for the rest of our days. While in the tunnel, we doubt everything. Unless we become slippery like Te on and develop an internal certainty that we’re more than all of our doubt, then we will not survive. Our tunnels exist to test our Legacy Elements and all the work we’ve put into balancing our lives thus far. We become true legacy champions when we can anticipate and circumnavigate the possible tunnels that will crop up in our lives with ease and self-awareness.
I believe in being present
When you are stuck, remember that your past obstacles, challenges, and pain are what formed you into the amazing person you are today!
This book is for you
This book is written for those looking to overcome obstacles in their lives, whether personally or professionally, to form a better awareness and a better sense of self that is needed to become a legacy champion.
The legacy Quest
It’s in your hands to envision and manifest your legacy, that’s your unique power that rests within you.
create rule expand
We gauge ourselves on a daily basis mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, so that we can empty our brain and fill it with intentional thoughts. Without our everyday awareness, we can’t serve ourselves or anyone else to the best of our abilities.
living with legacy awareness
Living with legacy awareness requires a commitment and consistency that most would consider crazy or unreasonable. To truly scratch the surface of our potential, we have to become intentionally unreasonable with sub-standards in each area of our lives.
legacy elements
To help us understand such a B-I-G idea as legacy, I use six Legacy Elements to guide you forward through the path to become a legacy champion. You’ll need to take an objective look at every area of your life through the lens of growing your legacy and take positive, forward-thinking steps to enhance each specific area from smallest to largest. We can move forward by using small, intentional shifts and using our awareness of what needs to change to create an indestructible legacy.
Your Last Breath
During your last breaths, when you consider the legacy you have left on the world, are you going to be fulfilled with no regrets? Will you be leaving your family and organizations with material abundance to keep building on your life’s work? Will you be secure in your spiritual connection? Will you have lived your legacy to your fullest potential during your lifetime?
I dedicate this book
to you
This book is written for entrepreneurs who want to expand their success by embracing awareness through- out all facets of their lives, so they can enrich their futures. For both men and women who want to honor their personal values and spiritual practices in order to form a baseline awareness to intentionally move forward with their legacy for the rest of their lives.